How to use this site
The homepage
The homepage is the starting point of online shopping with JWL. From this page, you can browse through our range by selecting the product category you‘re interested in, on the left hand side of the page. The homepage also contains links to our Terms and Conditions, Delivery Information located across the top of the page, it also shows our most popular products and those recently added. At any point during your visit, you can return to the homepage by clicking the ‘home’ link at the top of the page. Our homepage also has links to futher infomation about our Community Interest Company.
How do I search for products?
There are several ways of finding products on our website. You can browse our online store, search for specific products in the search box, or click on a category listed on the left hand side of the page.
You can search for products by name. Just enter the type of product (e.g. Table, Scaffold Boards, Shelf) into the search box we'll return all of the products which match your chosen word.